Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Right Plant for the Right Site

The best way to avoid potential problems in the garden is to use plants that will thrive in the conditions provided. For example...a plant that enjoys a shadier, moist environment (i.e. Astilbe) would not be the best choice to plant in a well-drained soil, full sun site. It would be an uphill battle to provide enough water to make it happy and healthy.

Therefore, good planning up front can save a gardener a lot of work later. Monitoring and keeping good notes about a new garden site the season before will help you select appropriate plants based on their cultural requirements; sun vs. shade, moist or dry soil, wind conditions and hardiness.

It does not just end there. Be aware of a plants mature size and site it appropriately. It makes no sense to plant a tree or shrub that has a mature height of 12’ in a space that only allows it to grow 6’ tall, the pruning would be endless, if not impossible.

Finally, certain perennials and shrubs may require more maintenance (division, pruning, and deadheading) than others. Keep in mind the amount of time you can spend maintaining your new garden and choose plants accordingly. With a little pre-planning you will be well on your way to a beautiful, healthy garden.